This movie uses that as its concept and it's one that I was intrigued in seeing how it played out. One that I would probably, if I had the money, engage in gladly. With that said, I've always found the idea of a "summer camp"/getaway/etc framed as if you were actually in a horror movie to be an interesting idea. Regardless, this is being written on Notepad on Windows, as my internet is being a fucking dick tonight (and will be for the next week or so, though I'm hoping it won't) and I cannot watch either Netflix, Amazon or any other streaming service. I have to finish the prior review and then review that night's movie. It makes this feel like work since it's piling up. Regardless, it's something that I should SERIOUSLY consider doing now as a result of the fact that I don't have a lot of time before I watch another movie tonight and I fucking HATE not finishing a review prior to watching that night's movie. Like my brain is not satisfied with a review if it's too short for one reason or another. I think I drone on for far too long on purpose, subconsciously. It never came to fruition, as it should be obvious. You know, I threw this idea around last year (I think) with my review of Mad Money and that was coming up with a few to do some really quick and short (like less than 300 word) reviews for one movie per week.